JOC Program Assessment

What is JOC Program Assessment?

JOC Program Assessment is a process that helps public agencies identify and improve areas of weakness in an existing JOC Program. The assessment involves the use of an independent contractor to perform an analysis and audit of existing procedures, such as paperwork flow and project reporting.

JOC Program Assessment can be used to :

  • Identify areas of weakness
  • Improve procedures and structure
  • Increase Program efficiency

A JOC Program Assessment requires an in-depth knowledge of JOC procedures, however, it is important that it exists entirely independent of a JOC Program. This is necessary to maintain objectivity throughout the assessment.

JAMB’s Approach to JOC Program Assessment

JAMB is available to provide JOC Program Assessment whenever requested. Our approach is separate from a JOC Program contract, and can include one or both of the following:

  • Full audit
  • Assessment

JAMB’s COO, Joe Hollett has over 25 years of JOC leadership experience and 35 years of construction experience. Few people in the industry can match his level of expertise and proven ability to provide accurate and thorough JOC Program assessment.

JAMB’s Senior Project Managers also have decades of JOC and construction management experience and are also well qualified to provide excellent JOC Program assessments and recommendations.